Customer Experience Excellence

How to delight customers and create wow moments that matter
David Blecher | Dr. Isabelle Manger
Aug. 2020 | White Paper | Englisch

Customer Experience Excellence

How to delight customers and create wow moments that matter

Creating superior customer experiences is one of the most important determinants to achieving competitive advantage in today’s dynamic environment. Customer centricity is the basis for creating experiences that delight customers. However, plans and results often diverge from each other in practice. Most companies actually fail to create wow moments that really matter to customers. This paper explores seven dimensions that enable companies to create superior customer experiences and explains the levers behind them.


Customer experiences are more important than features and benefits of a product or service. They provide stability and orientation and set clear directions for transformation.


Creating wow experiences for customers requires strategic design.


Superior customer experiences are multidimensional.

Management Summary
  • A customer-centric mindset and strategy is a prerequisite to create superior experiences
  • Customer experiences are multidimensional: they encompass a sensory, emotional, intellectual, behavioral, social, symbolic, and functional dimension
  • By using customer insights to create the right mix of experience dimensions at critical touchpoints along the journey, highly valuable wow moments can be created
  • Superior experiences pay-off in increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, delight, brand attachment and recommendation
  • Holistically measuring experiences with an integrated customer experience cockpit is necessary to inform key decisions

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