Nossas Histórias de Sucesso Ajudamos nossos clientes a superar seus desafios com sucesso e sustentabilidade. E juntos, moldamos o futuro deles. Todas as histórias de sucesso Filtros Limpar todos os filtros Delta Air Lines Quickly Resumes Normal Operations after Storms When storms disrupt flight operations, the risk of knock-on delays is serious. Delta Air Lines trains its responsiveness with Porsche Consulting. Royal Caribbean Perfects the Cruise Experience The cruise line Royal Caribbean plies the world’s oceans with huge ships. The processes in the background are modeled on automobile production. Technology Company ABB Strengthens Position as Market Leader ABB manufactures low-voltage circuit breakers in over 10,000 possible configurations. Products relevant to safety are subject to the highest standards of quality. Paginação Primeira página Página anterior Página 1 Página 2 Página atual 3 Tags (field_tags) AutomotivaConstruçãoEnergiaBens IndustriaisBens de ConsumoAeroespacialLife SciencesTransporte benefits (field_benefits) Marca & VendasDesenvolvimento & TecnologiaEstratégia & OrganizaçãoOperações Feld-Filter kombinieren Apply Filtrar Limpar todos os filtros Indústrias Automotiva Construção Energia Bens Industriais Bens de Consumo Aeroespacial Life Sciences Transporte Práticas Marca & Vendas Desenvolvimento & Tecnologia Estratégia & Organização Operações Mostrar
Todas as histórias de sucesso Filtros Limpar todos os filtros Delta Air Lines Quickly Resumes Normal Operations after Storms When storms disrupt flight operations, the risk of knock-on delays is serious. Delta Air Lines trains its responsiveness with Porsche Consulting. Royal Caribbean Perfects the Cruise Experience The cruise line Royal Caribbean plies the world’s oceans with huge ships. The processes in the background are modeled on automobile production. Technology Company ABB Strengthens Position as Market Leader ABB manufactures low-voltage circuit breakers in over 10,000 possible configurations. Products relevant to safety are subject to the highest standards of quality.