The Future of Strategy Work

From Projects to Real-Time Development and Deployment
Dr. Roman Hipp | Pschemyslaw Pustelniak | Dr. Philipp Schaller | Jens Pfeifer
Fev 2019 | Strategy Paper | Inglês

The Future of Strategy Work

From Projects to Real-Time Development and Deployment

Business models are changing ever more rapidly as the share of digitally induced added value grows. This has consequences for how companies work on and with their strategies. An irreversible paradigm shift is underway. From strategy as a project to the development of strategic capabilities. From lengthy intervals between strategy development projects to continuous strategy development and deployment in real time. In order to identify and understand external and internal strategic impulses on a continuous basis, companies need comprehensive strategic capabilities. 

The new Porsche Consulting strategy paper derives four capabilities, each with three characters that will be crucial for strategy work in the future. High performance enterprises will incorporate these capabilities into their strategy-related work in order to secure competitive advantages.

3 steps

identify missing strategic characters.

12 archetypes

ensure that the capabilities needed for continuous strategy work are adequately represented. 

45 tasks

provide a structured roadmap for strategic work transformation.

Management Summary
  • Business models are changing ever more rapidly as the share of digitally induced added value grows. This has consequences for how companies work on and with their strategies
  • In order to identify and understand external and internal strategic impulses on a continuous basis, companies need comprehensive strategic capabilities
  • Especially in large companies, the chief strategy officer (CSO) and strategy department will play an even more important role both as driver and catalyst of strategy work of the future
  • Porsche Consulting derived four capabilities, each with three characters, that will be crucial for strategy work in the future. High performance enterprises will incorporate these characters into their strategy-related work in order to secure competitive advantages

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