High Performance Meetings

How to set up and run meetings to create business value in an efficient way
Dr. Roman Hipp | Nick Göller
Set 2020 | White Paper | Inglês

High Performance Meetings

How to set up and run meetings to create business value in an efficient way

Managers in today's world of work tend to spend more than half of their working time in meetings without questioning this time on their value contribution in the decision-making process. To counteract this trend, Porsche Consulting has developed a framework for High Performance Meetings: This approach makes it possible to quickly aggregate and analyze data with the help of the "MeetA" tool that has been developed. This allows you to systematically examine your own meeting organization and actively analyze it in terms of structure, as well as efficiency and effectiveness. Thus, an optimal number as well as a sustainable increase of the quality of meetings can be achieved.


million meetings are held in the US every day.


of the time of managers is spent in planned meetings.


of manager meetings are considered unproductive or unnecessary.

Management Summary
  • High performance meetings lay a crucial foundation for decisions that affect the central success of organizations and their interdisciplinary teams
  • The traditional office routine is changing in today’s world of VUCA, thereby excessive structural elements in form of meetings have to adjust, accordingly
  • As many meetings as necessary, as few as possible – return the uncontrolled growth of meetings back to an efficient meeting amount
  • Shift meeting authority to the operational level in order to accelerate decisional processes from the core of the business
  • Before inviting new meetings, make use of the meeting blueprint to actively question the purpose of every new meeting in order to maximize your benefit in and thereby increasing the overall productivity of meetings
  • Integrate procedural meeting optimization levers to increase meeting efficiency – the energy and time invested into the meeting – and meeting effectiveness – the positive contribution to the overarching aim of the meeting, the decision
  • The meeting optimization approaches are also valid for the increased number of virtual meetings in times of the pandemic
  • Systematically implement plug-and-play meeting optimization levers from C-Level pioneers in high-performance organizations to optimize your most important resource in meetings – your employees
  • Porsche Consulting’s MeetA tool enables organizations to swiftly aggregate meeting data in order to introduce structural and procedural countermeasures

Read the whole white paper now


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