Data-driven Strategic Workforce Management

How to ensure the future readiness of the workforce in an organization
Ninjo Lenz | Mateus Possati Figueira | Sabrina Schöner
Nov 2023 | Strategy Paper | Inglese

Data-driven Strategic Workforce Management

How to ensure the future readiness of the workforce in an organization

The work environment is changing with tremendous speed and the “workforce” has become a key priority not only for CHROs but also for business leaders as they need to act quickly to master the challenges together. Thus, in this fast-paced, ever-changing business world, industry-specific talents and skill shortages make systematic strategic workforce management a “must have“ to ensure long-term business success. 

This White Paper highlights key megatrends that are shaping the future workforce and explains how to make the workforce future-proof. It describes why setting up strategic workforce management sustainably requires more than a process and outlines the leading role of HR in building up the necessary enabling structures and thereby the opportunity to increase its business impact. Finally, this paper provides an assessment for companies to check their own strategic workforce readiness and derive their strategic road map.


essential pillars to build the workforce of the future.


major steps to analyze the workforce.


factors to enable a successful transformation.

Management Summary
  • The corporate strategy and hypotheses for the strategic development of business units are the prerequisites for a tailored SWM with sustainable impact.
  • Taking SWM seriously requires a trio of strategists, business leaders, and HR to allocate resources and orchestrate a successful SWM together.
  • Getting started with a basic targeted approach unfolding further enhancements and building high-quality workforce data over time ensures sustainable competitiveness.
  • SWM provides the opportunity to make the HR organization future-ready and to act as true partner to the business.

Read the whole Strategy Paper now


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