“Strong Finances Are Paramount”

Interview with Dr. Arno Antlitz, Finance and Operations, Volkswagen AG Board of Management.

23.02.2023 | Porsche Consulting – The Magazine

“Strong finances are paramount. Also and especially in a transformation,” says Dr. Arno Antlitz. As the member of the Board of Management responsible for Finance and Operations, he is a driving force behind the transformation at Volkswagen.

In an interview with Porsche Consulting Magazine, Antlitz talks about financial sustainability, the huge transformation processes taking place in the automotive world, and dealing with risks. He sees new opportunities in the region, but also new competitors for the Group—and he also gives a look into the contents of his wallet. At present, his chief concern is how to target and fill the most attractive profit pools in the ongoing transformation of the Group.

Find out more in the latest article in


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